‘Providing Protection in the Toughest Spots’ is the title of an article on CORROSION recently published in Inside Marine magazine. A profile about our company and services written by Andy Probert of Inside Marine. For this story Andy spoke with CCO Bart Wessels and Sales Manager and UV-C specialist Henk van der Lip. We think it provides an interesting and representative insight of the new technologies and sustainable innovations we are working on.
New Technologies
‘Consistent development led the company and its partners to create a non-chemical alternative anti-fouling method utilizing UV-C light for the marine sector. CORROSION’s Sales Manager and UV-C specialist Henk van der Lip explained the company had combined two existing technologies – UV-C light, a superb technology to prevent fouling, and pillow plate technology which provides high-efficient cooling –to create tailor-made UV-C box coolers.
UV-C technology provides complete environmental box cooler fouling protection, even with stagnant water in the box cooler sea chest. The UV-C uses underlying technology based on Philips IP to eliminate fouling growth. UV-C coolers can be used for both retrofit and new builds. For retrofits, the UV-C cooler is designed to be backwards compatible with the existing box cooler. On new builds, the cooler is custom-designed. “It is a proud moment for us to develop a ground-breaking system as a marine growth protection mechanism. The innovation is unlike anything on the market and fits today’s needs for sustainable solutions,” commented Mr van der Lip.’
Read the complete article here:
Editorial – Inside Marine – PDF